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You cannot imagine life without plants, our very existence depends on plants. Plants release the oxygen we breathe, provide us with the food we need for survival and materials for our clothing and material for building the homes we live in.  Be the pristine beauty of a forest, a well laid out park or even a single potted plant in our garden, plants are everywhere, lifting our spirits when we need them. However, plants did not colonise land till 430 million years ago, till then all life was restricted to the oceans. It is from this moment onwards did nature’s longest unbroken partnership came into existence. Yes, it is the little known mycorrhizae that enabled plants to colonise land and helped them withstand the test of time. Without them our forests would not have been able to withstand drought, pestilence and lack of fertility. It is this little known partnership plants need for their survival and realisation of their full potential. A symbiotic relationship that has been broken by our reliance on harmful pesticides, chemical fertilisers and salts that contaminate top soil as water is drawn from deep underground.

Mycorrhizal fungi exude powerful chemicals that dissolve mineral nutrients, absorb water, retard soil pathogens, and glue soil particles together into a porous structure which facilitates aeration of roots. In return, the mycorrhizae fungus receives sugar and other compounds from plants to fuel their own growth.  Research has documented improved plant nutrient and water uptake, plus resistance to a wide range of soil diseases and environmental extremes. Plants establish fruit and flower more abundantly; areas thrive with less irrigation, fertilizer and pesticides.

There are a few major types of mycorrhizae, the two most common being ectomycorrhizae, (which do not penetrate the roots but grow around them) and endomycorrhizae also known as vescicular arbuscular mycorrhizae or VAM, which penetrate the roots and form long trailing hyphae which penetrate deep underground increasing the surface area of roots several fold.

Ectomycorrhizae constitute 5–8% of the species and are highly specific to certain types of plants. Endomycorrhizae, which form the majority of species on the other hand are generalists, able to colonise the roots of most plant species. However these are more difficult to produce.


Biovamos represents the use of cutting edge technology to make a revolutionary product containing the highest concentration of endomycorrhizae known to man. This enables immense savings in terms of costs as well as benefits to the entire spectrum of plant oriented industry like agriculture, forestry, landscaping, turf, golf courses and regeneration of degraded and arid land right down to one’s own garden. Biovamos contains a a carefully selected variety of endomycorrhizae each contributing its unique advantages to crops and plants and help increase yields, reduce the need for chemical fertilisers and pesticides. To the landscape professional and municipal corporations looking to cut costs, this represents a great opportunity to cut costs by reduced frequency of irrigation and faster growth of plants or turf to cover the bare spots and beautify the landscape faster.


  1. BioVamos helps increase the surface absorbing area of roots 10 to 1,000 times, thereby greatly improving the ability of the plants to absorb moisture and much needed nutrients.
  2. Mycorrhizal fungi present in BioVamos release powerful organic acids and other phytochemicals into the soil that dissolve hard-to-capture nutrients, such as phosphorous, iron, calcium and other nutrients that are tightly bound to the soil surface. This extraction process is particularly important in plant nutrition and establishment and growth.
  3. In non-irrigated conditions, mycorrhizal plants are under far less drought stress compared to non-mycorrhizal plants.
  4. Suppression of diseases and pathogens are additional benefits for a mycorrhizal plant. This is achieved through amendment of soil conditions such as soil agglomeration, better aeration, changing soil pH and physical occupation of the roots before pathogens can attack. Some mycorrhizal fungi protect plants from Phytophthora, Fusarium and Rhizoctonia.
  5. BioVamos also helps improve soil structure. Mycorrhizal filaments produce humic compounds and extracellular polysaccharides that bind soils into aggregates and improve soil porosity. Soil porosity and soil structure positively influence the growth of plants by promoting aeration, water movement into soil, root growth and distribution. This helps mitigate the problem of soil compaction caused by mechanised operations that can cause water logging and root decay causing serious crop losses.
  6. Many practical benefits can be expected from using BioVamos in agriculture, landscaping, horticulture, forestry and other applications that can result in immense cost savings, capacity utilisation, reduction of the environmental footprint of operations and time. These include improved survival, growth, more rooting flowering and fruiting, protection against disease, improved soil structure and resistance to invasion by nonmycorrhizal or exotic plant species.


  • The product can be used for potted plants as well as garden ornamentals like roses, hibiscus, flowering and fruit trees, vegetables like tomatoes and also for turf grass. BioVamos can be used as a soil drench.
  • Simply mix 5 grams into 200 liters if water and drench the soil in potted plans.
  • The same concentration can be used to apply on 1 acre of field crops after an irrigation when soil moisture conditions are adequate.
  • Apply the product when temperatures are under 38°C (100°F).
  • For fruit trees this solution may be applied to 10 trees at 20 liters per tree, after irrigation when the soil moisture is adequate. You may make 4” holes in the soil near the roots for better penetration of the solution.
  • BioVamos can be used even during transplanting as a root dip.
  • Use the same concentration and dip the roots of the seedling to be transplanted in the solution for a few minutes.
  • Transplant immediately after dipping.
  • Do not store the plants where dipping has been done

Note: It is not suitable for cabbages and other vegetables in the Brassicaceae family as well as the Amaranthaceae, Cyperaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Caryophylaceae, and Junceaceae families.